Write For Simple Success Networking

This is an invitation for you to write for our site and get additional exposure for your business!

We want to give our members the opportunity to tell their biz stories about lessons they have learned about starting, running and growing a business, in hopes of helping us all grow and learn.

We are looking for guests posts that will help both our visitors and our members grow their business.
To give you a better sense of what we’re looking for, here are a few suggestions:

  • What I Learned about using social media to grow my biz…
  • What I Learned about starting a business…
  • What I Learned from joining a networking group…
  • My favorite tool for my business…
  • 3 Tips to help your biz…
  • 5 Apps to help your biz…

Here are some things you’ll need to know for guest posting on our blog:

  1. Your post should be roughly between 300-800 words long.
  2. Please, copy edit your work for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.
  3. We understand the amount of work that it takes to write a blog post. However, we reserve the right to publish guest posts that we think add value to our readers.
  4. To submit a guest post, please email us at hello@simplesuccessnetworking.com. Please include a one to two sentence introduction that includes what you do, along with your website address and your Twitter and/or Facebook address.
  5. Please include your “bio” in the post you send us.

We’re looking forward to reading your posts!

Website Designed and Managed by Heart and Soul Biz Essentials